Industries Served

Optimization through Business Intelligence with Retailer Solution

Smart Zone’s Security is inevitably one of the most basic yet crucial topics for all management teams. But improving your security system is more than just protecting store assets. It also creates a safer and more comfortable environment for customers to shop in. Our customized solution makes the security of your business more intelligent – with various applications for pre-event, realtime, and post-event stages.

Business Intelligence

Notifications for advance preparations

It is always good to plan ahead – and that goes for security systems, too. Smart Zone’s solution provides capabilities for pre-incident warnings.

Real-Time Alarms

Timely alarms for quick response

nowadays, video security has evolved from simple post-event video search to during-the-event intervention. Businesses stand to gain huge benefits from the capabilities of real-time alarm systems.

Post-Event Evidence Retrieval

Accurate forensic evidence

For all security system users, the ability to quickly find evidence is crucial. In many scenarios, such evidence might include more than just video information. That is why with Smart Zone’s solution, users will find key data associated with the event in question

Loss Prevention

High bandwidth Secure Connectivity is major challenge to most organizations.